
We knew it was a little unusual for a company to endorse a presidential candidate, and while we were overwhelmed by the good vibes and well wishes of the vast majority of the Day Owl community when we endorsed Biden and Harris, those of you who didn't agree with us definitely let us know it. To those who were outright nasty, we wish you the very best. You are our brothers and sisters, and we hope you get the chance soon to take a nice long relaxing vacation.
The fact is, the work is just beginning. We can no longer get by on the America of our parents and grandparents. We do not currently live in the best country in the world. But we could. All we need to do is decide to make it that way- to "buy the ticket, and take the ride"...to do the thing we once feared.
Let's clean up all the trash. Let's bring civics and history (not to mention art and music) to the forefront of our educational priorities. Let's remember that just because somebody doesn't look like us doesn't mean they won't make a great neighbor, and above all let's lower the temperature-in our atmosphere AND in our politics.
For our part, we're going to go back to work creating the first ever completely circular backpack company. We're going to make the most responsible products that have ever been created to help you do the things YOU once feared. We have a world to build back better. You're going to need something to carry the tools you need to do it.
It sure looks to be a long journey ahead, but as we stop to pause on this Wednesday, let’s also consider how far we’ve come. Onward.
Hands to work, and hearts to one another,
Team Day Owl